Monday, March 22, 2010

Screw Health Care "Reform"

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am slightly put out. By slightly put out I mean befuddled and pissed the heck off.

Who does the US Government think it is? Really? I believe that this is only proof that the “C” students truly run the world. Admittedly the Health Care “Reform” Bill is still just a bill but I mean, what the heck? I have seen headlines stating that this bill could cost either $940 Billion bill or $875 Billion and it is going to reform and revolutionize the Health Care industry, as well as cut the National Deficit. Two things: 1) Let’s call it $1 trillion, what’s $60-$125 million at this point, how is spending that much money going to cut the national deficit? 2) Why does the healthcare industry need fixing?

A quick look at some of the “Highlights” of this bill:

It promises to mandate health insurance, if you don’t buy it you get in trouble, The government is going to tell me I have to buy insurance? What the heck? Our founders would be rolling over in their graves. Since when has the government had the right to require me to buy anything? Are they now telling me that they know better than me what I should and shouldn’t spend my money on? I should have a choice. If I become a billionaire and decide that I can afford whatever health expenses come my way why should I spend money on insurance? If I decide that I don’t believe in traditional medicine and am only going to be treated by holistic and new age practices how is health insurance going to benefit me? Speaking for myself, I have spent, I would guess, over the past 5 years about $100 dollars a year on medical expenses, and I have paid more than that in insurance, so if I decide it’s not worth it who is the government to tell me that I need insurance.

Then they will require health insurance companies to remove pre-existing condition exemptions. Let me explain something to you congress, Health Care, it’s a business, they are trying to make money, and not doing a very good job at it. If they can’t make money they are loosing money, and companies that loose money tend to die. So in order to maximize profits health insurance companies are going to look at a person and think along these lines “Are we going to make money off of this person?” If a person has a preexisting condition then it COULD cost more than the company will get out of it, so they may in some cases exclude that condition, deny coverage to the individual, or they might also just charge the person more. However, if I understand this new piece of crap right, they could no longer take any of that into account.

We all know this is just a government power grab, they are not fooling anyone.

So United States Politicians, I have a message for you, to assist me with this message I would like to bring in Johnny Cash:

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